Fisheries product is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world.
andrea' s Seafood is company in fisheries. We serve many kind of seafood. Our product catch by fisherman in all of Indonesia sea. The seafood process by international standard. so, it' ll very clean, ....
we provide a wide range of frozen fish with good quality and reliable quality assurance
Agribusines Fisheries is a company engaged in the field of fisheries and marine fisheries provide refined products and the latest marine who has high nutrition, healthy, hygienic, and affordable....
Starting from the desire and consumption Angan see today, where necessary quality products at very affordable prices. Therefore our company present to be able to meet consumer desires.
Allow us to introduce our company as a selling fisheries product in Indonesia. A variety of our fishery products that offer likes : milkfish ball, milkfish, squid rings, head squid etc. ln case....
This company is engaged in the fisheries.
Our company sell many kinds of fish in the form of frozen fishery products such as peeled squid , crab claws , local dori , shrimp , and many others . Super quality , healthy body , but the price....
This company offers products in the field of fisheries in particular. we are ready to take your orders if the minimum number of 10 kinds preformance. and we offer a product that is hygienic and....
Fisheries product is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world
Diversifisheries archipelago, is a diversified business in the field of food that uses food from fisheries. More information can be found at: diversifisheries@ Marketing: Sayfian -....
Assalamu' alaikum Wr.EWb Welcome to my page. Before I explain about fishery products frozen, I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Agus Triyanto students of the Faculty of Fisheries and....
Our company provide healthy processed fishery products such as sausages and fresh milk, imported dori, squid ring, squid cook, goddess, meatballs banding, squid heads, brains and kresi.product....
April Fish Products is a company that sells a wide range of processed fishery products frozen. products are sold among which banding krispy, squid peeled, peeled shrimp, crab claws, tuna, local dori, ....
Our company is engaged in the production of processed fresh fish and frozen fish, ensuring quality and the quality of fishery products